PNM Substation Update: See:*President's Message*
PNM Substation Update: See:*President's Message*
2/24:Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center, 9800 4th NW 2/27: Los Padilla Community Center, 2117 Los Padillas SW
Bernalillo County will host public meetings to garner feedback on its Water Conservation Plan. If you are a private well owner or a custome...
2/24:Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center, 9800 4th NW 2/27: Los Padilla Community Center, 2117 Los Padillas SW
Sandia Presbyterian Church - Sunrise Chapel 10704 Paseo Del Norte NE Albuquerque, NM 87122
The Board of NAACA invites our community to attend a meeting regarding a proposed NAA placed substation. NAACA engineering advisors will be...
Sandia Presbyterian Church - Sunrise Chapel 10704 Paseo Del Norte NE Albuquerque, NM 87122
Sandia Presbyterian Church - Main Sanctuary 10704 Paseo Del Norte NE Albuquerque, NM 87122
The Board of NAACA invites our community to: update your membership, hear the latest news affecting our community, ask questions, discuss c...
Sandia Presbyterian Church - Main Sanctuary 10704 Paseo Del Norte NE Albuquerque, NM 87122
CNM Workforce Training Ctr 5600 Eagle Rock Ave NE 87113
Regarding purposed electrical substation in NAA.
CNM Workforce Training Ctr 5600 Eagle Rock Ave NE 87113
Holiday Park Comm. Ctr 11710 Comanche NE 87111
Regarding purposed electrical substation in NAA.
Holiday Park Comm. Ctr 11710 Comanche NE 87111