PNM Substation Update: See:*President's Message*
PNM Substation Update: See:*President's Message*
The Mission of the NAACA is to serve North Albuquerque Acres residents by working to preserve and enhance the unique rural character and lifestyle of the NAA community.
-Developing and maintaining an effective working relationship between members and the governmental entities that influence or directly impact the NAA Community;
-Pursuing and advocating NAA Community quality of life issues;
-Establishing information links so that the NAACA is in the proactive, not reactive mode;
-Preserving the integrity of the NAA Community separate and apart from the City of Albuquerque and preserving one family dwelling per acre zoning;
-Establishing standing policies on NAA Community issues in concert with member input; and
-Providing an atmosphere to increase the sense of community among our members.